(Answered) CM220 Unit 2 Discussion

CM220 Unit 2 Discussion

Discussion Overview

In this course, you will be using the tools of intercultural rhetoric to identify a problem in your community that needs solving and propose a way to address that problem. This unit’s discussion is meant to prepare you for that process by exploring how others have engaged in this process. For example, Steven Johnson’s TED Talk “Where Good Ideas Come From” explores how people can generate ideas through conversations with others.

  • After reviewing Steven Johnson’s TED Talk and this week’s reading “The Rhetoric of Community Engagement,” tell the class what stood out to you as the most important elements of ethical communication and collaborating with others to generate ideas. Be sure to discuss both Johnson’s talk and Linda Flower’s concept of intercultural rhetoric.
  • Then, find a persuasive TED Talk and tell the class about it. Be sure to provide the link to the TED Talk that you watched and key identifying details like the author, title, and main argument of the speaker.
  • Explain why you selected this persuasive TED Talk and how it illustrated effective persuasive communication. How did the TED speaker that you watched convince the audience of their position? Use this brainstorming guide to brainstorm ideas and prepare your response.
  • Wrap up your post with an open-ended question for your classmates to respond to when they reply to your post.

Refer to and credit the unit reading concepts to help validate your ideas and give you practice with using and crediting source information. When you refer to concepts from the unit’s reading, be sure to use a signal phrase like “According to . . . [name of reading].” If you are directly quoting the reading or another source, be sure to use quotation marks and cite the source using proper APA in-text citations and full references. See the Purdue Global Writing Center’s Using Sources for resources on APA citation formatting.

All discussion posts and responses to peers should be written in complete sentences using Standard English. Before posting, proofread for grammar, spelling, and word-choice issues. Be sure to respond fully to every aspect of the discussion.

Respond to at least three of your classmates’ initial posts. Be sure to address their writing concerns and what you think they might also do to achieve their writing goals. Advance the discussion by asking relevant questions that motivate your classmates to continue the discussion. A strong response would be around 100 words. Also, refer to and credit unit reading material in your posts to help support your ideas.

Continue the discussion by reading and responding to the questions and comments your classmates and instructor offer in response to your initial post. Aim for at least 50 words in each follow-up response.

Review a sample discussion post.

Find out how the discussions are assessed by reviewing the Discussion Rubric.

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CM220 Unit 2 Discussion Answer

Regarding Steve Johnson’s video, I really enjoyed the coffee house community. How coming together allowed people to share ideas and create those purple sky moments. I also liked how the coffee shop brought people together in a small setting to share ideas. It made me think of my son Eli. When he was younger, he was given a gifted test to see where he stood academically. He tested high in 2 of the 3 areas of that test…..

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