(Answered) CM220 Unit 5 Discussion

CM220 Unit 5 Discussion

Discussion Overview

As seen in the reading this week, conducting research requires critical thinking and can be a time-intensive process if not planned properly. However, there are various tools that can help you conduct your research more efficiently. It is ideal to have a research strategy or plan in place before looking for sources. In this discussion, you will build your research strategy. After completing this week’s reading and learning activities, respond to the following questions in at least two well-developed paragraphs:

Last week, you sought out research that addressed common ground among different stakeholders in your community. This week, you will seek out hidden/underrepresented voices in community conversations about this issue. Try searching the web for “experience of X [underrepresented stakeholder]” such as “Experience of homeless veterans” or “Experience of students who have been bullied.” Once you have selected your source, write a discussion post that addresses the following items:

  • Include the revised version of your thesis statement for an argument for change in your community and identify at least three search terms you can use in the Library or an internet search engine to find sources that address underrepresented perspectives in your community that will be affected by your argument.
  • Tell us about the source you selected. Using your own words rather than quoting from the source, explain how the author’s position or experience relates to your argument for change. How has this influenced your thinking about this topic?
  • What criteria helped you decide if this source is credible and useful for your research? Review the learning activity Evaluating Sources and use the criteria discussed there to evaluate your source.
  • Wrap up the narrative portion of your post with an open-ended question to foster conversation or help you figure out additional research opportunities.
  • Finally, review the Academic Writer resource Reference List Entries and the video Formatting an APA Style Reference List and create an APA formatted references page citation for the source.

When responding to peers, challenge yourself this week by offering additional search terms or new stakeholders for your classmate to consider as they seek out those underrepresented voices.

NOTE: You can begin working on a references page for your upcoming assignments by tracking the key elements of each source:

Author’s name Publication date Title of source Publication information URL

Academic Writer can help you identify the type of source you have and create a properly formatted citation in APA style.

Refer to and credit the unit reading concepts to help validate your ideas and give you practice with using and crediting source information. When you refer to concepts from the unit’s reading, be sure to use a signal phrase like “According to . . . [name of reading].” If you are directly quoting the reading or another source, be sure to use quotation marks and cite the source using proper APA in-text citations and full references. See the Purdue Global Writing Center’s Using Sources for resources on APA citation formatting.

All discussion posts and responses to peers should be written in complete sentences using Standard English. Before posting, proofread for grammar, spelling, and word-choice issues. Be sure to respond fully to every aspect of the discussion.

Respond to at least three of your classmates’ initial posts. Be sure to address their writing concerns and what you think they might also do to achieve their writing goals. Advance the discussion by asking relevant questions that motivate your classmates to continue the discussion. A strong response would be around 100 words. Also, refer to and credit unit reading material in your posts to help support your ideas.

Continue the discussion by reading and responding to the questions and comments your classmates and instructor offer in response to your initial post. Aim for at least 50 words in each follow-up response.

Review a sample discussion post.

Find out how the discussions are assessed by reviewing the Discussion Rubric.

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CM220 Unit 5 Discussion Answer

The city of Norman has had a substantial rise in homeless people in the past year. The lack of refuge has caused them to navigate to the businesses that are open during the day. Most of the people are nice, but some are not. As humans, we are quick to judge those who are on the street. With more perception of the homeless reality, more can be accomplished to get them off the streets. ….

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