(Answered) CRN#22349-202220 Women in the Justice System

CRN#22349-202220 Women in the Justice System

For this first discussion, you will be required to respond to the question below. You will need to draw on previous knowledge or information obtained on women in the CJ system from previous CJ (or psych or sociology) courses.

We will start off with a fairly simple post so that you can get acquainted with the process.

FOR ALL DISCUSSIONS, make certain to review the guidelines on discussion posts (see syllabus) if you are uncertain of how to approach the post. More importantly, you MUST submit a substantive reply to another student’s post, AND, you should always provide evidence to support your argument. Again, see the course syllabus for an example.



In your opinion, why is the study of women in the criminal justice system in law enforcement and as offenders victims so important to the discussion on crime and criminal justice? By this I mean, what role or roles as enforcers of the law and those being enforced do you think is are critical to the current discussion of crime and criminal justice as it relates to women? Explain your answer, making certain to provide the link to ONE  peer-reviewed article as evidence to your argument.

CRN#22349-202220 Women in the Justice System Answer

Women in the criminal justice system play an integral role both as enforcers and offenders/victims. Criminal justice is there to ensure that justice is served. Women as law enforcers ensure that domestic violence is fought using existing laws Barberet, 2014.  Women who are victims of domestic violence are comfortable reporting to the women law enforcers since their husbands abuse them. Women in the criminal justice system provide emotional support to the victims of sexual abuse and other domestic violence, thus encouraging them to share more about their abuse……

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