(Answered) CS204 Unit 2 Discussion

CS204 Unit 2 Discussion

A professional image is not solely defined by your choice of clothing, but by multiple personal factors. You are all unique and present yourselves in a unique manner, whether it is by the jewelry you select, the shoes you wear, how you do your hair, or through other means of behavioral expression. In this Discussion, you will present your ideas on this topic and respond to others’ opinions and comments in a professional manner.

Please respond to the Discussion below. Your posts should be in the 100–150-word range and your responses in the 75–100-word range. Respond to at least two of your classmates with meaningful comments. Support from unit materials or outside research should be included. Check out the Discussion topic grading rubric in the Course Resources area for information about how you will earn your grade for the Discussion.

Body piercing and tattoos are very common in today’s society. What is your perception of body piercing and tattoos related to professional image? Are piercings and tattoos acceptable in your industry?

Have you seen this perception differ from one workplace to the next in your industry? Why?

Contact a professional in your field and ask him/her about the issues surrounding this topic and share what you found out.

CS204 Unit 2 Discussion Answer

It did run through my mind before that tattoos are becoming more acceptable than they were 40 years ago, so why shouldn’t they be accepted in the work place? It is even mentioned in the reading that these typical ideals are becoming outdated due to younger generations trying to push the boundaries of rules. (Przybys, 2009) But I don’t necessarily think that as much anymore…..

CS204 Professionalism – Theory and Practice

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