(Answered) CS204 Unit 4 Discussion

CS204 Unit 4 Discussion 

The concept of working together to produce a better outcome is not a novel idea. Competition in a collaborative working context may encourage productivity and the realization that different people bring different skills and different levels of skills to the workplace. For example, doctors can gain perspectives about a patient based on discussions with other staff such as nurses and therapists. However, coworkers may have differences in opinion and perceptions that do not allow them to collaborate with others. It is not always necessary to have complete harmony in the workplace but a civil, working relationship will get the job done.

Please respond to the Discussion below. Your posts should be in the 100–150-word range and your responses in the 75–100-word range. Respond to at least two of your classmates with meaningful comments. Support from unit materials or outside research should be included. Check out the Discussion topic grading rubric in the Course Resources area for information about how you will earn your grade for the Discussion.

Imagine a situation where you are paired up with a coworker to complete a very important project for your company. The coworker does not share the same work ethic that you do, and you are concerned about working together toward successful completion of the project. It is not a job that you can handle on your own as there are a lot of specialty areas that this person knows well, and you know nothing about. Discuss at least three things you can do to improve your working relationship with this person so that you do not dread going to work every day and that will improve the work you produce as a team.

CS204 Unit 4 Discussion Answer

A good working relationship and communication are key when completing team projects, even when your team members lack work ethic. I think before you go into a project with someone, start on a positive note by correcting any assumptions/concerns you have about your co-worker. (Vengel, 2019). Another thing is to do your research on what this project entails prior to the start……

CS204 Professionalism – Theory and Practice

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