(Answered) PS210 Unit 6 Assignment

PS210 Unit 6 Assignment

Unit 6 Assignment

This assignment will assess your understanding of the humanistic school of thought. You will explain the major concepts of this school of thought and provide examples that show the influence of humanism in real life.

Write a 2- to 3-page informational essay incorporating the following:

  • Choose a theorist from the humanistic school of thought.
  • Discuss the major concepts proposed by this theorist, and how these concepts relate to the development of psychological thought processes.
  • Provide examples in current events that illustrate the continued influence of the major concepts proposed in this school of thought on real life.

PS210 Unit 6 Assignment Answer

Carl Rogers who was born in 1902 in Chicago, approached the psychoanalysis humanistic school of thought of not focusing on the disturbance of an individual and the search for a diagnosis (Henley 2018.) Rogers was also not very approve of labeling a person as a patient but more so of a client, Rogers felt that a person seeking help should be referred as a client…..

PS210 History of Psychology

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