(Answered) PS210 Unit 7 Discussion

PS210 Unit 7 Discussion

Unit 7 Discussion

Behaviorism focused solely on behavior. For most behaviorists, thought is not part of the learning process. If there is no thought, are people mindlessly programmed to learn? If so, are behaviorist approaches ethical? Choose one of the behavior theorists and explain their approach to working with people. Would you approve of this process on a loved one? Why or why not? Use at least two key concepts in your explanation.

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PS210 Unit 7 Discussion Answer

From a behaviorist perspective, most of our thoughts and actions are conditioned or learned behavior from others. From this standpoint, I don’t believe we are mindlessly programmed, but are taught how to behave and learn based on observation. With this is mind, observing experiments such as Little Albert can now be seen as unethical. Due to the zeitgeist and a desire to learn about human behavior and reaction, it wasn’t viewed in this light since psychologists were eager to study and test their theories…..

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