PS220 Contrasting Developmental Theories
Contrasting Developmental Theories
You have learned about a number of theories in child and adolescent development this term, including how these theories help you to understand physical, emotional/social, and cognitive changes from birth through adolescence. One of the major theories you have considered this term is Piaget’s Cognitive-Developmental Theory; however, several other theories have been studied as well, such as Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory, Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory, Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory, and Bowlby’s Ethological Theory of Attachment, to name a few.
For this Assignment, you will be contrasting two developmental theories – Piaget’s Cognitive-Developmental Theory and a second theory of your choice. This second theory should be a theory that has been covered in this class. Please use the Unit 9 Assignment Template to contrast the theories by filling out the table and answering some questions on the ideal developmental theory. The theories will be contrasted on the following points:
- Main characteristics of theory
- Domain of focus (physical, cognitive, social/emotional, or a combination of several domains)
- Considers development to be continuous or discontinuous
- Stance on influence of nature and nurture
- Example of theory concept applied to child development (cite textbook information/research findings to support your ideas)
- Two strengths of theory
- Two weaknesses of theory
Critical thinking questions: The ideal developmental theory
1) If you had to choose a theory that completely describes child and adolescent development, which of the two theories from the contrast above would you choose or would you select certain components of several theories? Explain your choice.
2) What aspects of your theory (or theories) make it more attractive than the others?
3) Does your theory describe development from infancy through adolescence completely? If yes, would you consider your theory the ideal child development theory? If no, what else would need to be added to your theory to completely describe child and adolescent development?
PS220 Contrasting Developmental Theories Answer