(Answered) PS220 Unit 8 Assignment

PS220 Unit 8 Assignment

Units 7 and 8 have been devoted to understanding social/emotional development in infancy/toddlerhood, childhood, and adolescence. For this Assignment, please use the Unit 8 Assignment Template to write a 2-page descriptive essay tracing the development of self-understanding throughout the stages by focusing on the development of self-awareness and self-control in infancy/toddlerhood and the development of the self-concept and self-esteem in early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence. Provide at least one detailed example of development of these self-understanding concepts for each stage and be sure to cite the textbook information/research findings to support your ideas.

For each of the four stages, consider the role that parents play in their child’s development of self. How can parents promote self-awareness and self-control in infancy/toddlerhood and how can parents promote self-concept and self-esteem in early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence?

PS220 Unit 8 Assignment Answer

When babies are born, they only have genetic makeup and biological traits. However, as they grow up, they enter a period where self-development begins. The development involves the dawning of self-awareness in infancy and evolves into an organized view of self-capabilities during early childhood and adolescence (Harter, 2015). Thus, children undergo significant development of their self-concept and self-understanding as they grow up through various stages. Parents and adults have an import role to play in promoting their development of self-concept and self-esteem.

First Stage (Birth- 2 Years)

During this stage, the baby gets to know the caregivers just as the caregivers get to know the baby. By the eighteenth month, a toddler becomes self-conscious. The behavior becomes organized, and communication starts becoming clear……..

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