PS220 Unit 8 Discussion Topic: Peer Acceptance and Identity Development
Topic: Peer Acceptance and Identity Development
In this unit, you will learn about emotional and social development in middle childhood and adolescence. The focus of this Discussion is on peer acceptance in middle childhood and identity development in adolescence.
Please respond to the following:
Children in middle childhood begin to value the input of peers and are concerned with making friends and being well liked by others. Unfortunately, not all children move through this period easily; some are teased and even bullied.
Describe the characteristics of a popular-prosocial child and a popular-antisocial child. Why do you think their peers admire them?
Describe the characteristics of a rejected-aggressive child and a rejected-withdrawn child, relating these peer classifications to peer bullying and peer victimization.
How can parents or teachers/schools help rejected children?
Adolescents are on a journey to discover an identity that is separate from their family. Erikson called the psychological conflict of adolescence identity versus role confusion. Current theorists no longer describe this process as a “crisis” but, rather, as a process of exploration followed by commitment. The various combinations of exploration and commitment yield four identity statuses typical of adolescents (identity achievement, identity moratorium, identity foreclosure, and identity diffusion).
Recall your identity development during adolescence and describe your identity development path by referring to the four identity statuses and explaining what factors influenced your identity development.
How can adults support healthy identity development in adolescents?
PS220 Unit 8 Discussion Topic: Peer Acceptance and Identity Development Answer
Popular pro-social children are socially accepted, admired, and academically do well in school. (Berk, 2021) Popular pro-social children communicate effectively and are friendly with peers find positive ways to deal with issues and are viewed as leaders to other children. (Berk, 2021) Popular anti -social children include the bad boy persona these boys are usually athletic skilled but do not do well in the classroom, have a problem with authority figures, boy and girls spread rumors and behave with complete arrogance but engage in prosocial acts………
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