(Answered) SC200 Unit 2 Discussion Measurement in Your Daily Life: Uses, Tools, and Challenges

SC200 Unit 2 Discussion Measurement in Your Daily Life: Uses, Tools, and Challenges 

Topic 1: Measurement in Your Daily Life: Uses, Tools, and Challenges

“Measure what can be measured and make measurable what cannot be measured.”

— Galileo Galilei

You use different forms of measurement throughout your daily life, at home, at work, and in other day to day activities. For example, when brewing a pot of coffee in the morning, both the water and the coffee grounds must be measured to create a cup (or two) to start off the day. On the drive to work, or school, you also must consider the time of day and associated traffic, the distance to travel, and the amount of gas in the tank of the car.

Reflect on your daily life and think about the various ways in which you use measurement. Then, discuss the following.

  • Choose something that you measure on a daily basis. What do you measure and how do you measure it (what tool or device do you use, and what are the measurement units)? How is this measurement important or necessary within your daily life?
  • What would the consequences be if your measurements were inconsistent or incorrect? In science and in your daily life, what are the advantages of precise and accurate measurement?
  • Think back to this week’s Reading, including the section on Units and Numbers. How could standardized measurement improve your own measurement practices? Why is standardized measurement important within specific fields of science? Try to focus on one field (medicine, environmental science, geology, etc.) and provide an example of how standardized measurement allows for scientists to both clearly communicate their results as well as record their observations.
  • There is some discussion of having the US convert over to the metric system since most of the world uses it as their main system of measurement. Only the US and a few others such as Myanmar and Liberia don’t use the metric system. Should the US convert to the metric system to make trade and communication easier? Would the average citizen in the US be comfortable with this change?

Review the Discussion guidelines.

Trefil, J., & Hazen, R. M. (2015). The sciences: An integrated approach. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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SC200 Unit 2 Discussion Measurement in Your Daily Life: Uses, Tools, and Challenges Answer

One thing I measure on a daily basis is lifting weights for exercise. Either for myself or for the student-athletes I work within the weight room. I measure the plates through mental math by reading the labeled weights such as dumbbells’ that have the number 10 stamped on them to signify they weigh 10lbs or a weight plate stamped with 45 to indicate it weighs 45 pounds. This measurement is very important, especially when working with young adults to provide them with a safe amount of resistance to work with. If a kid weighs 100 pounds and has never lifted weights in his life then I will not start with two 45 pound plates on an Olympic bar that also weighs 45 pounds (135 total). Instead, I would start with only the bar and see if they can lift it easily (bar speed is a good indicator) or if they struggle……..

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