(Answered) Unit 6 Discussion PS215 Neuroscience

Unit 6 Discussion PS215 Neuroscience

Hear Me Hear Me!

Hearing is an important function in hearing able individuals. You use this sense to gather information about the environment, engage in conversations, express opinions, and to avoid getting hit by a flying object when someone yells, “Duck!” Issues with hearing or processing sound can have a large impact on the quality of life, speech, and the strength and health of the auditory cortex if it is not discovered and treated. This is especially true for the youngest and oldest in our society. Read the two articles below and choose one to discuss. Share facts about how the brain is impacted by hearing issues, and how you see it playing a role in learning, communication, and esteem in the individual affected.


Burry, M. (2020, December 22). Auditory deprivation and brain atrophy from untreated hearing loss. Healthy Hearing. https://www.healthyhearing.com/report/46306-Hearing-loss-auditory-deprivation

Riggs, L. (2018, December 4). Auditory processing – What is it? Retrieved from http://www.nacd.org/auditory-processing-what-is-it-hearing-vs-processing/

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Unit 6 Discussion PS215 Neuroscience Answer

The article I chose for this discussion post is Auditory deprivation and brain atrophy from untreated hearing loss by Burry. According to Burry (2020) the parts of the brain that are responsible for hearing can be reassigned to other functions such as sight if hearing loss goes untreated for too long. While these parts of the brain are being reassigned, they can also shrink or atrophy due to the lack of stimulation.

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