
(Answered) nr503 Week 2: Healthy People 2020 Impact

nr503 Week 2: Healthy People 2020 Impact Purpose nr503 Week 2: Healthy People. The concepts of epidemiology provide the framework for the study of infectious and chronic diseases, which provides […]

(Answered) nr503 Week 3: Discussion- Epidemiological Methods and Measurements

nr503 Week 3: Discussion- Epidemiological Methods and Measurements nr503 Week 3: Discussion. Utilizing the list below, choose two research methods. Next, find two articles, one on each of the chosen […]

(Answered) nr503 Week 2: Discussion – Epidemiological Methods

nr503 Week 2: Discussion – Epidemiological Methods nr503 Week 2. Consider either the Infectious Disease assignment in Week 5 or the Chronic Health assignment in Week 6. Next, choose a […]

(Answered) nr503 Week 1: Discussion – Exercise and Discussion Questions from Curley Text Book

nr503 Week 1: Discussion – Exercise and Discussion Questions from Curley Text Book nr503 Week 1: Discussion. Go to the end of Chapter 2: Identifying Outcomes, in your Curley course […]

(Answered) nr501 Week 7 Assignment Theoretical Framework

nr501 Week 7 Assignment Theoretical Framework nr501 Week 7 Assignment. PowerPoint Presentation is due Sunday 11:59pm MT at the end of Week 7. The guidelines and rubric for this assignment […]

(Answered) nr501 Week 5 The Application of Theory assignment

nr501 Week 5 The Application of Theory assignment nr501 Week 5 The Application of Theory assignment is due Sunday 11:59pm MT at the end of Week 5.  Please use your […]

(Answered) nr501 Week 8: Course Reflection and Future Application

nr501 Week 8: Course Reflection and Future Application nr501 Week 8: Course Reflection. Throughout the discussion occurring in this course, a common element has been application of theory. For this […]

(Answered) nr501 Week 7: Nursing Theory Applied to Evidence Based Practice

nr501 Week 7: Nursing Theory Applied to Evidence Based Practice nr501 Week 7: Nursing Theory. This week we are focusing on the application of nursing theories to evidence-based practice. In […]

(Answered) nr501 Week 6: Borrowed (non-nursing) Theories Applied to the Nursing Profession

nr501 Week 6: Borrowed (non-nursing) Theories Applied to the Nursing Profession nr501 Week 6: Borrowed.While the focus of this course is nursing theory, frequently the use of non-nursing or borrowed […]